Legends. Please more of exactly this. Fuck Amazon so hard.
Hard caveat: As long as the local provider is not just drop shipping Amazon.
If that’s the only option and the local provider is the same final price as Amazon, that still would mean more money stays in Canada and less goes to bozo. Not perfect, but better.
Yes! Every Canadian municipality and provincial department should do this.
Not just municipalities, not just Amazon and not just Canada:
Every person must stop giving their money to businesses owned by fascists.
Hell yeah. I would also hope as many engineers as possible resign from SpaceX, Tesla and the Boring Company, but sadly too many of them probably a) have no problem with their boss’s ethics or b) are financially stressed and are afraid to do so, or c) are addicted to the lifestyle enabled by their pay grade.
The biggest trick capitalism pulled on all of us is keeping wages ‘not too low, not too high’ so we are all not starving, yet afraid to walk away from our jobs.
H1-B visas. They keep working there because they don’t want to leave the US. Often they have entire lives and family in the US and have not simply been there for a few short years.
Ah, yes I forgot that angle – that period of indentured servitude (slavery) for the hope of being allowed to participate in the illusion of “The American Dream” …
IMO all government at every level should be mandated to support local and/or Canadian first when possible. I don’t why an entity that serves the people can’t also be directly supporting those they serve instead of putting that money into other countries - just seems backasswards to me.
I agree completely.
Man I miss the days when my neighbors owned the local businesses. These soulless corporations have totally destroyed the small town “American dream”.
I miss walking into our old hardware store and picking a Super Nintendo game every now and then because my mom talked the owner into stocking them. He had them hanging overhead behind the counter.
He only got the big titles, stuff he knew the kids would want. He’d ask me and my brother when we came in, “What game are they talking about on the playground now, big guy?”
That world is gone. Going to town is pointless unless you have to go to court for something.
That feels like such a cool and special relationship to have. Tangentially when I worked at a mall I got to know the owner of a local store not far from where I worked that sold all kinds of novelties (pop culture, games, TCGs, etc). I bought a few things to support him and we built a rapport to the point he offered me the employee discount. Felt like being welcomed to the family.
This type of business ownership is what I love about so many parts of Europe. The streets are all lined with shops owned by generations of people who live in the area and not by huge multi-national corps. The neighborhood supports the businesses, they help out the neighborhood, and it’s a happy community. I wish we could have this here, but it’s just a capitalist hellhole.
I believe the issue would lie with the pressure for government procurements to always go for the lowest cost bidder possible, which would be more difficult for local and Canada-first companies to compete.
While I believe that procurements should strongly prefer local/Canada-first companies, it would come at a price and provide an opportunity for one political party to cry foul over “wasteful government spending”.
It’s already in the BC gov’s policies. Having it in the policy and ensuring individual people follow it though are two very different things.
Amazon l’ont bien mérité après ils ont fermé les entrepôts syndiqués.
Amazon deserves it after they closed unionized warehouses.
They didn’t just closed the unionized warehouses, they closed all the warehouse after one of them unionized.
Supposement que stait deja planifié avant les syndicats. Apparement que meme quand on avait des entrepots ici, tout se faisais livrer se l’ontario anyway.
T’as raison, maintenant c’est plus justifié.
Good call. The odds of Bezos of being part of Vichy America’s cabal is high. A man who prefers their deliveryfolk to piss in bottles and break their bodies in warehouses, is pretty likely to support a war machine that assaults Canada.
It will be important for Canada to divorce itself from as many Vichy services and goods as possible.
I was about to cave use Amazon because how much cheaper things were compared to eBay.
That story about pissing in bottles came out right when I made my account and I’ve never once used it. Don’t even remember the password.
Much of the time eBay is cheaper. I can get free shipping most of the time for small items. It just takes a little longer to arrive.
Vichy America has a ring to it.
I mean, if we want to be really accurate, it’s more like Nationalist Spain or Mussolini’s Italy, but people don’t history enough for that to make sense rhetorically.
We could use a better name, but for now it will have to do. I expect that we will have a civil war down the line, and a more suitable name will arise. Of course, Facist America would still call itself America. Hm. We could call it “Famica”?
Feel free to toss names into the hat.
I believe I read that Amazon recently closed its warehouses in Quebec because one unionized.
Correct, 7 warehouses got closed
Unfathomably based. Good work Canada, I look forward to being annexed soon
By the day I wish more and more I had snuck into CA in 2000 before it became more or less impossible
I count my lucky stars that I’m born here.
Hopefully the next year or so is going to see changes that make it easy for the good - and especially the vulnerable - Americans to come up here. Fleeing Americans have been our historical source of population, after all.
Canada wide. Let’s go!
I’m doing my part!
Same :)
Who wants to bet that Amazon will create a shell company to sell to Montreal?
I’d put my money on individual “entrepreneurs” reselling Amazon goods to the city where necessary. Maybe literally city employees who buy the same stuff personally and just expense it.
French vibes… No ice
Why wan’t this always a thing?
In b4 they start buyimg from fuckin u-line