It was ripped directly from my cd at 320kbps and played on an iPod 5th generation (iPod video).
It was ripped directly from my cd at 320kbps and played on an iPod 5th generation (iPod video).
Not OP, but I promise you that I can hear what sounds like digital water being thrown over the cymbals when listening to mp3 files below 320 kbps. Even then, every now and then I hear that sound here and there across whatever record I’m listening to.
I don’t experience it when listening to records, CDs, or cassettes.
My hearing used to be very sensitive. When the whole world was using CRTs, I could tell you who had their tv on just standing outside their house.
I thought it didn’t sound any different to me too. That is until me and a friend were riding around listening to Icky Thump by The White Stripes for a few weeks when it first came out.
Higher bitrate, ripped directly from the CD, pretty decent car radio.
We had been listening to my copy, he didn’t own it yet.
We stopped at a record store one day when we were out and he picked up his copy. He wanted to play the CD for whatever reason, and when he stuck the disc in, “berderwiddledod dahta dah BOOM BOOM BOOM”.
I couldn’t believe it. It was like the record just sucked the power out of us both and used it to burst through the speakers.
The mp3, by comparison, sounded shrunk down from the source and splashed with water.
It didn’t change my listening habits because of convenience, but damn. It was an eye opener.
I was just talking with a woman last night who lost her husband in July to Covid.
It is crazy how many people I have known personally to die from it.
I have a cousin who got measles as a kid. She was around 7 I guess. She’s in her 50s now.
She has been totally dependent on her mom and her siblings since. It totally fried her brain. She’s very sweet and everyone likes her, but she was nearly erased.
People ask her any question and can lead her to any answer. “Hey Sheila, I heard you had a million dollars in the bank and you were gonna give me half of it.”
“Yeah, I have a million over at the bank and I’m going to give you half. Mommy will ride us over there and and we go get it. Yeah.”
“Hey Sheila, I was told that you’re pregnant and the baby is coming tomorrow.”
“Yeah I have a baby, it comes tomorrow. I name it Princess. Yeah.”
I mean you can get her to say anything. She won’t cuss though, not directly anyway.
“Sheila, Bobby told me that you said fuck ass this morning.”
“Nooooo. I don’t cuss. I don’t say fuck ass. Them is bad words. Yeah.”
It’s like she’s a little kid but less her own person. She was a bright kid before measles. It sucks because the only reason she wasn’t vaccinated is because she came from the poorest part of WV. There were no doctors where she grew up. Her older siblings had been vaccinated through some measure to vaccinate rural communities. She just missed it by being born too late. Her mom hates herself for it, but she just didn’t take it too seriously until she had to. Her mom is in her 80s now and still taking care of her. She’s a tough woman, still working 45 hours a week. Once she’s gone I’m sure her older sister will care for her.
It blows my mind that there are people don’t take diseases seriously out there in the world.
“Funny haha”. Because of the context I didn’t even think about it.
I haven’t heard “funny haha” in a long time.
Man. If I were gay I’d start a band (or something) called Funny HaHa.
The world is so packed with people I’d say someone has by now.
China can pick it up. :/
I agree completely.
Man I miss the days when my neighbors owned the local businesses. These soulless corporations have totally destroyed the small town “American dream”.
I miss walking into our old hardware store and picking a Super Nintendo game every now and then because my mom talked the owner into stocking them. He had them hanging overhead behind the counter.
He only got the big titles, stuff he knew the kids would want. He’d ask me and my brother when we came in, “What game are they talking about on the playground now, big guy?”
That world is gone. Going to town is pointless unless you have to go to court for something.
I was about to cave use Amazon because how much cheaper things were compared to eBay.
That story about pissing in bottles came out right when I made my account and I’ve never once used it. Don’t even remember the password.
4th grade bro. I was dumb.
Best kind. I put it on my balls when they gave it out in sex ed class.
I had fresh balls with a rash.
Ur mom maybe…
Or definitely. You’d say definitely I guess.
Abe Normal is just a guy like me. We knew each other in the old country. Shady characters all around. We never got close but I could count on him in a pinch. I never dreamed we’d be partners, solving mysteries together.
Norm Al Goody runs a pharmacy at the edge of town, and I’d bet my life on the fact they he’s supplying the Wretch Heads with their junk.
If I have to beat it out of him, I will. Abe thinks we should handle it by the book, but I’m Detective Diff Fective. I’m not known for playing by the books.
Sorry. :p
I like this. Diffectively works better but someone will chime in saying you made a spelling error even with context.
Or differctively. I’m differctive for sure.
Man. I wake up with a headache nearly every morning. Almost everyone in my family does (mom’s side, don’t know dad’s side) so I haven’t thought about it.
After about 20 minutes it goes away.
Now that I think about it, it’s probably sinus issues. That’s something else common in my family.
Maybe because we all had coal stoves growing up. Who knows? A doctor maybes :p
I miss when algorithms weren’t a part of everything we see.
That’s why I’m here and not there now though. One of the many reasons.
When Enlong goes to Mars, can you believe it? They said on Twitter, well, now it’s X but you still tweet. They banned me before Lonnie bought it. They said, “When Eenlin goes to mars, which is a planet by the way. Like Earth but orange. Orange, don’t get me started. They say I’m orange. Do I look orange? Maybe the radical left will call me Marsolini. You people are beautiful. But mars is a planet and Erod is gonna take us there folks. I’ll be the president of mars if you can believe that. Kennedy wanted to go to the moon. Ellen wants to go to mars. Very smart people, with the rockets. They can land them now. Rockets is very powerful stuff. My uncle, very smart, good genes, he said, “Donald, rockets is very powerful stuff.” I always thought that, but who knew? Now everybody is talking about it.
I dated a girl when I was a teenager that probably does this now. Haha
She was a sweet girl, she just wasn’t right. In every photo she posted on her homepage back in the day, she blasted the brightness up until no one had a nose. That was the filter of old.
Of course, maybe she finally feels good about how she looks these days. Being a teenager is hard.
This is just heartbreaking. It hurts me when someone gets killed and it turns out they weren’t exactly A+ material, but I grew up around people like that and experienced the world that made them firsthand so I empathize with them.
This dude though, this just crushes me.
I have no idea to be honest, she’s the clerk at the gas station below me. I might ask her but I don’t want to be rude so I’ll wait for or create an opportunity if I get the guts.
I’m guessing no.