Ahhh, the world once again makes sense. Though while I’m not sure I’ve seen much from HuffPo in a while, I thought it was still filling the role of liberal normie news/blogging/discussion site. Seems like kind of a hard ship to turn right without just destroying it.
Wait… One of these things is not like the others.
Huffpo is owned by a right winger now.
Ahhh, the world once again makes sense. Though while I’m not sure I’ve seen much from HuffPo in a while, I thought it was still filling the role of liberal normie news/blogging/discussion site. Seems like kind of a hard ship to turn right without just destroying it.
I only just learned of it in the past couple days myself, and I tend to agree.
This is worth reading, if you use the site. It gives a sense of how things might be going over there.
Wow, so I guess they’re really gonna try.
The defining millennial experience is “someone bought that thing you love and destroyed it.”
Though love may be a strong word.
Buzzfeed is right wing?