It seems like nearly every regional newspaper website uses Reach. I swear that nobody who actually works at these places actually uses their own sites.

  • Usually loaded with an insane number of “partners” on the cookie banner (I’ve seen some well into the thousands)
  • You can’t read the content because the page keeps jumping about as it’s loading ads in
  • Ads overlay the content with a close button so small that even a tardigrade would get pissed off over it
  • Any scroll action on your phone that isn’t perfectly straight swipes you to the next article
  • Because your device has to load 26TB of ads, it takes forever to go back to the previous article
  • There’s an ad between each sentence.
  • HelloThere
    1 month ago

    Sorry, but you appear to have made the same typo a few times.

    It’s spelt Retch.

    Hope that helps!