• andros_rex@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The thing is, RFK Jr is not saying “let’s take a step back and look at reasonable alternatives to over prescription. Let’s analyze factors like medical misogyny and the way that the current mental health system prioritizes functioning in a capitalist system over actual wellness, and sticks to cheap/easy solutions like SSRI’s and CBT to create a better system.”

    RFK Jr is playing into the Alex Jones script which has been playing for at least a full decade - that antidepressants are an evil plot by the globalists to drug us into submission (or even to trigger mass shootings - they’ve tried to lay every mass shooting at the feet of trans people or people on SSRI’s). The solution that will be advocated for is categorizing those unable to function without these medications as disabled/second class citizens. It’s not like doctors are magically going to go “well, they legislated the SSRI’s away, now I can no longer dismiss women’s medical complaints and have to address the issue” - it’s just going to take away effective treatment from the people who need them.

    Trust me, I fucking hate the mental health field. There’s a replicability crisis in psych, no known mechanisms for how SSRI’s even work, and definitely the attitude that the first and only step should be medicating the problem away. But right wing grifters with brain worms are not going to fix anything.