This is the longest and most insane job posting I’ve ever seen. Viewing it on mobile is like 25 pages long
I applied, interviewed, and got to the offer stage. They’ll offer you a butt load of money, and I’d do it if I was desperate, but friend, I talked to some of my friends there, and they flat out told me to not to. They work nights, weekends, it’s mandatory 5 days in office - and they time you to the minute that you’re there for 8 hours minimum each day.
The stock seems nice but you learn that you don’t get any for 2 years, because they know the vast majority of people burn out before 2 years.
They have a company wide mandate that you get 2 weeks PTO your first year. Then 3. You don’t get bumped up to 5 until 6 years in.
Moral reasons of how evil they are aside, it’ll crush your soul.
Back-weighted vesting schedule is some truly fucked up shit. Reddest of red flags
What do you mean by back-weighted and how is it fucked up? Genuinely don’t know.
I worked for Apple on the Genius Bar in the Uk and we had the same schedule. I didn’t see it as a bad thing and when it was time to leave to become a software engineer I just had to weigh how much money I would lose that had not vested vs potential in new career.
Are they not just an incentive to keep staff. I will say that I’ve had 60+ jobs in my life and aside from my current one for a small company as an engineer, Apple was leaps and bounds above all the others in terms of support, benefits, and just a good work life balance. It was because I was surrounded by talented people and supported that I got my shit together and learned to program, which Apple also made many concessions to allow me the time.
Evenly weighted vesting schedule: Your grant vests the same amount every month for every year of the duration of the grant. For example, 1/48th of the grant vests over 4 years.
Back-weighted grant: Your grant vests less or not at all for the early period of the grant, and then a majority in the later part of the grant. For example: Year 1 10%, Year 2 20%, Year 3 30%, Year 4 40%.
Why it’s fucked up: The company is incentivized to abuse your labour early in your employment and then push you out before the majority of your compensation package kicks in.
Equity is already enough of a pair of golden handcuffs as it is, there’s no need to make them worse from this perspective.
Thanks I understand it now.
This isn’t what we had at Apple. They would vest after two years. So after year two you would have stocks vesting every year and when you leave you would only be leaving the last two years on the table, which seems more reasonable than the Amazon example.
If I understand correctly, that’s what’s called a cliff - during the first period of your grant, you have no ongoing vesting, until a set date in the future where all of that period vests at once.
For example, first 12 months: 0%, then 12/48 at once, and finally 1/48 every month for the remainder of the grant.
Correct me if I misunderstood.
Not quite.
I can only describe in this way to try and explain.
You start work 01/01/2025.
No stocks given.
1 year later 01/01/2026
You get given say 10 shares unvested which vest after two years.
1 year later 01/01/2027
Nothing beats but you get another 10 shares unvested which vest after two years.
1 year later 01/01/2028
The first set you were given have vested and you can sell them or keep them. The second set have not vested as they have one more year to go. You get a third set of shares which again vest in two years
Then the cycle repeats.
Hope I explained that well enough.
Aha! Sounds like a combination of a cliff (but not quite if the grant is just not given until 1 year) and continuous refreshers.
Besides, as an IT specialist, this job position is very stressfull regardless of company. Being on Amazon makes it 1000x worst. I wouldn’t want this.
just refuse to work for amazon.
it saddens me how many engineers will throw their morals ways for pReStIgE working for scum
Especially considering that this prestige is only of value if you further engage in that toxic network and culture.
And you’ll experience an inclusive culture that welcomes bold ideas and empowers you to own them to completion.
Once you point out a problem he is now yours to solve, figure it out. Never do it.
As a wise man once said “Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been… ever, for any reason whatsoever”
mine looks fine, might be whatever it is you’re using to view Lemmy being the issue
Your reader should have a way to open and zoom in on the full resolution version if you fullscreen the image. Mine has a “HD” icon in the top right.
OP got the new Long Phone™️
Me trying to wake up for work
This is beyond midly infuriating, it could actually be crossposted on [email protected] given the insanity of it.
I know I sorted by feed by Top 6 Hours but that doesn’t mean I expect six hours worth of text in a single image. Did they copy and paste three different job postings together? Did they use a LLM that had its stop token configured incorrectly? Is it an attempt at weeding out people who object to having their time wasted by corporate bullshit?
We may never know. What we do know is that this wall of text has more red flags than a Chinese military parade.
That’s got to be llm-generated
I’m mildly infuriated for having to scroll pass this. Twice. Once in my feed, hoping it was c/mildylinfuriating, and a second time to come down here and tell you about it.
This is why you use thumbnail view. I thought everyone did. I mean, that’s how reddit originally was, and most of us come from there.
It’s a setting you may not realize is off until “the event”. Presumably, it’ll fix itself on new content, but enabling limited thumbnail height in Connect has made this post a small square in a huge blank space and now I’m mildly amused
the sceenshot is [email protected] tho
How do you tag communities on Lemmy? Is it the “!” ?
in my client (voyager) when i type “!” and then start typing the community, i’ll actually get suggestions. not sure if it’s only the ones i subscribed, tho.
I’m using Eternity. I tried this but it didn’t show me any suggestions.
I got lost scrolling and now I can’t get out send help
Like their Terms and Conditions.
Thanks, I hate it.
I’d call this a novel, but even the shittiest novel is enjoyable compared to this.
Stopped reading at “Amazon”.