• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • That’s my point. I’m not convinced that my vote is protecting my interests at all, and what’s changed to make the story any different with the plan from 10-15 years ago?

    The voting system works well for Republicans as it is currently. They have no reason to make the radical changes in the next four years that are being fearmongered right now. At least not any that the Democrats, with or without the president, would do anything to stop.

    Every bogeyman propped up as reasons to vote against republicans has not slowed down under recent democratic administrations, who refuse to defend the rights and meet the demands of the people even in the face of clear power grabs by the other side. There is no firm policy being presented, only vague projections that it won’t be as bad as under republicans, who have shown us that don’t need the presidency. The tail is already wagging the dog in that respect and the side that claims to represent the left believe in decorum too much to say enough.

    It is up to the democrats alone to convince anyone otherwise. We should not be scolding voters for being disillusioned by poor and ineffectual governance. If that’s where we’re at; blaming the voters for the failures of politicians that are first and foremost chosen by monied interests; then we’ve already lost democracy.

    We can do this again in four years, just like we did it four years ago and four years before that, or we can get what we want right now by banding together and telling them that our votes are on the table only if they make a good faith attempt to meet our demands, and if we’re serious we will put our votes where our mouths are when the day comes. It’s not impossible to win that way, we just watched it happen when they switched out Biden for Kamala.

    You’re going to have at least as much success doing that as you are scolding american voters every four years for voting their conscience just to then turn around and somehow convince them to be more politically active. Because that’s who you’re alienating, the handful of voters that actually care about the state of politics and may hold just enough power to swing a federal election. Certainly not the voters that are won just by having a larger campaign budget.

    You can’t beat them, so join them. Do not let this political moment go to waste, do not let yourself be complicit in genocide. Put pressure on the democrats to acknowledge the genocide in gaza, to stop arming Israel. That will get everyone on the same side, along with being a show of good faith that voters wishes still matter to Democrats. At a minimum, open your mind to that possibility.

    Do not let the establishment intimidate you into forgetting what power we hold as a collective, into actively working against collective’s own interests and shielding the establishment from the electoral consequences of their actions.

  • Right, well you keep guaranteeing your vote for Democrats every year and attacking anyone that criticizes them for being ineffective and see how much that gets you, since their current platform and every election leading up to this one hasn’t been enough to prove that they don’t really care that much about defending progressive policy and will throw both it and their voters under the bus if they think it will help them tap into the republican base instead. Continue directing your ire at your fellow voters instead of using it to hold your elected representative’s feet to the fire. That definitely seems like a sound plan and totally isn’t more of what got us here in the first place 👍

  • Giving voters what they want and winning them over is “stroking their egos” now? That’s such a cynical way to look at your fellow voting Americans. They are not your enemy.

    Come on man… they got us pumping anti-democratic sentiment like it’s the divine right of kings… no fucking wonder the democrats don’t ever feel the need to run on actually popular policies and at least keep things centered. We’re more than happy to deep throat the boot either way.

  • Lol no I wouldn’t be. It’s a silly line of attack to get upset over. Depending on the person I’d tell them they’re wrong and/or they have other merits and move on with my life.

    You are more than welcome to disagree and have a discussion about it but shutting down and telling them to shut up is not the right way to go about it.

    And if she’s going to preach an ideology for everyone else that makes it a moral failing to be unattractive then she should be the first one to die by her own sword. Quit playing defense for fascists.

  • Are we not allowed or capable of having nuanced, diverse thought about a person? There’s certainly more than one thread in these replies…

    Nobody is saying she’s bad because she’s ugly, just that she’s ugly. You can draw those conclusions if you’re bad faith, but they’re obviously faulty conclusions that are more like what a parent tells their bullied child to make them feel better than anything politically sound.

    This isn’t the senate floor, this is lemmy. Maybe that guy doesn’t care that much about the politics, maybe they do. We can’t really tell from this comment alone. Regardless, they have just as much a right to be here as you do. So, you “just shut up” first lol and learn how to use a period while you’re at it.