Trump is pushing for softer language on Russia’s war in Ukraine, straining G7 unity.
Officials say the U.S. is blocking references to “Russian aggression” and prefers calling it the “Ukraine conflict.”
This shift follows Trump’s peace talks with Putin that excluded Ukraine’s President Zelensky, whom Trump later called a “dictator.”
The change in rhetoric contrasts with Biden-era support for Ukraine and threatens a unified G7 stance.
But I couldn’t vote for Harris because that was a vote for genocide.
Coming from a country with ranked voting and more than 2 parties, this looks so ridiculous. It’s like the USA electoral system is designed to make people bicker amongst themselves about who is the lesser evil, while oligarchs take control.
Seems like you understand it just fine then.
Veritasium, on yt ( not a guy I recommend frequently ) has a vid on election-systems.
Approval-disapproval seems to be the sanest electing-system there is…
All the ranked-choice-systems logically have problems, though no-where near as bad as 1st-past-the-post idiocy.
Please, people, if you’re interested in the sanest voting-system possible, watch that video, & then organize to replace your system with the currently-best-option, which seems, from that vid, to be the approval/disapproval system.
( it makes the most-approved person win, and one can approve-of multiple different candidates, so the majority-of-voters get heard, no-matter-what, see? )
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What style of ranked voting does your country use?
To be fair, most Americans do fall for things pretty easily when all they have to do is literally nothing
Humans in general. Tell people that “doing nothing” is the moral action and they’ll sure as fuck do nothing, because it’s the path of least resistance.
Yeah that was some really really stupid shit people were saying.
In maybe the most important race of this country’s history, Harris couldn’t bring herself to denounce genocide and war crimes like a decent human being and instead chose to support a corrupt, fascist foreign nation that more closely resembles Nazi Germany than another country today.
Party loyalists tut-tut at the voters and learn exactly nothing, yet again.
The non-voters voted in Trump who is trying to be more fascist and corrupt than the other country you’re alluding to.
Nah, the Democrats did that.
The democrats who voted surprisingly voted for Harris so I don’t know what you’re on about.
The Democrats politicians who didn’t put Trump away and refuses to let go of their billionaire money for the sake of most important election the US is facing yet are the ones who voted Trump in. Blaming the non-voters is just playing into the oligarch’s hand.
In our system the votes get counted to figure out who won so the non-voters said they are okay with what’s happening.
So the non-voters all have future sight and can already see that Trump will win? Maybe what they actually thought was that neither side will actually help them and they are not informed enough to know that Trump will win without their help, have you ever thought about that? Seems all you actually care about is helping the oligarchy, so maybe you don’t even care to think.
Hey there’s no need to be getting personal just because you don’t agree with me.
Not voting means you support whoever wins, that’s all I’m saying.