A long time ago, I used to deliver groceries to this guy. Other drivers told me it was not uncommon to see him driving a tank around on his property when he was in better health, but when I was doing the deliveries he was basically on hospice. I got to peek at the collection once when the blinds were left open. I always thought it was wild that private people could own such vehicles. They had the firing pins removed and had been unarmed to some extent, but I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to reactivate them if one was so motivated.
I didn’t mean to take it from him, I just meant like what if he just decided he wanted to blow some shit up one day? It just seemed nuts that a random guy could just own a hundred + tanks.
A long time ago, I used to deliver groceries to this guy. Other drivers told me it was not uncommon to see him driving a tank around on his property when he was in better health, but when I was doing the deliveries he was basically on hospice. I got to peek at the collection once when the blinds were left open. I always thought it was wild that private people could own such vehicles. They had the firing pins removed and had been unarmed to some extent, but I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to reactivate them if one was so motivated.
You’d be pressed to find the ammo, if it even still exists for these vehicles. Plus, how would you even take it from him?
I didn’t mean to take it from him, I just meant like what if he just decided he wanted to blow some shit up one day? It just seemed nuts that a random guy could just own a hundred + tanks.
Tractors, flatbed trailers with a strong truck, another tank, d11 dozer, trained personal. All viable tank relocation choices.
I guess if he decided to just button up inside you could still just impound it lol
To clarify, not the guy in the pic, but a local who had a collection