A nation that stands above all others in inventiveness, ingenuity, opportunity and intellect has announced plans to accidentally reintroduce polio.
Make America Sick Again
Make Everyone Sick Again - Black MESA
Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you
Maybe Black MESA
That was a joke
Ha ha
Fat chance!
“If vaccines were effective, how come nobody gets vaccinated for smallpox anymore?”
This guy says what I’m thinking!!
Also, seat belts? You really think it’s a good idea to be strapped into a car when someone crashes directly into you?
that part is satire too
Joke is on you. I have been vaccinated for smallpox.
The children can have a little bit of polio as a treat.
It’s not accidental. When you play Russian roulette and end up shooting yourself, it’s not an accident, it’s an obvious consequence of the choices you made. If the result can reasonably be expected, it’s intentional.
A nation that stands above all others in inventiveness, ingenuity, opportunity…
What? 😂
they really crushed it with that line, huh?
I didn’t look at the sub until now 😭😭😭
Heroin addict says “just say no”— to vaccines
Then we can brutally crush it again and remind all those other diseases who’s boss
Not with Papa Nurgle running our health departments
All part of our master plan to make the diseases complacent and over-confident
For them deciding even poly o’ crises do no harm …