The jagged edges are the corners of the vehicle as designed.
It’s designed with thick sheet metal instead rolled panel edges like all other vehicles. Because of this, the leading edges of the panels are going to do more damage no matter how well they’re built and finished.
The creases and stiffness of the panels are very much worse on the ct too, don’t get me wrong. It was designed to look imposing and the side effect is dangerous to everyone else near them.
The jagged edges are the corners of the vehicle as designed.
It’s designed with thick sheet metal instead rolled panel edges like all other vehicles. Because of this, the leading edges of the panels are going to do more damage no matter how well they’re built and finished.
The creases and stiffness of the panels are very much worse on the ct too, don’t get me wrong. It was designed to look imposing and the side effect is dangerous to everyone else near them.