Unsurprisingly, Trump went to the corrupt MAGA SCOTUS and asked them to do his bidding.

  • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I do wonder how much of this is SCOTUS’s attempt at avoiding the question of exactly what happens when they give a ruling that Trump doesn’t like and Trump responds by ignoring it and telling them to go fuck themselves. Because at this point, any ruling not in Trump’s favor is going to lead to that question, which risks exposing the fact that they have no actual enforcement mechanism, relegating them to merely an advisory panel with no real power. Which basically leads to a situation where this court was most likely going to rule in Trump’s favor anyway because it (at least, for now) is in line with their own interests, but really can’t rule against him even in the off chance they want to without risking the entire house of cards crumbling down on their heads.