So, I made a comment on the ‘two goobers’ community of, moderated by Bubs.

I gave a rather cynical, but nonetheless accurate imo description of a particular comic, explaining that it showed an overly lovey dubby relationship that was likely doomed to failure.

Made some more comments explaining my reasoning, ended up getting into some arguments as two users seemed genuinely sceptical, and one of them very defensive, about the idea that CPTSD is usually caused by abusive narcissists when it isn’t caused by ongoing, severe material deprivation, such as being very poor, homeless, or living in a war zone.

As of time of writing this, my first comment was the most popular in the thread, something like 45 up, 5 down, and I have been banned from the community, almost the entire comment chain has been nuked, no explanation has been seemingly given for the deletion of any comments, unless my view or understanding of modlogs is somehow borked, though I am apparently banned (indefinitely?) for Rule 1: No Abusive Language.

I can maybe see how a few of the latter comments could veer into being interpreted as ‘abusive language’.


… But the entire comment chain?

The two I was arguing with used language about the same level of ‘abusive’ as myself.

They don’t appear to be banned though, just had their comments removed.

… I … don’t really care about being banned from an apparent hugbox community that has a single mod, but just from a point of … attempting some kind of professionalism, maybe Bubs could have just deleted the specific comments they found to be ‘abusive’, sent all involved a clarifying DM about that, not just jump straight to a ban?

I dunno.

I hereby submit this to the tribunal for public commentary.

Here’s the link to’s modlog

EDIT: It looks like a whole bunch of at least my removed comments are not even showing up in the modlog.

I… don’t know if thats because of some technical issue?

I had a bit of a tit for tat with both Ocultoconoclast and Count Regal Inkwell, and you can see their removed comments in the mod log, but my one for one responses are not even showing up as removed in the modlog, though they are all removed/‘deleted by moderator’ when I go through my own comment history.

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.zipOP
    11 days ago

    You’re not getting any down-votes from me, by the way. Always feels rude when people do that to someone I’m just talking to.

    Not only is that good to hear, but I run into this fairly often as well, and always feel compelled to tell people ‘hey I’m not the one downvoting you’, in conversations that otherwise seem to be between just two people.

    I was just making the point that whoever you offended probably feels mocked by your characterization, or (worst case scenario) correctly described.

    Ah, ok, thank you for clarifying!

    I will say that … I never recieved any communication from Bubs, at all, and they’re the sole moderator, they’re the only one that could have community banned me and deleted my comments… excepting instance level admins I guess.

    But… since we’ve been talking, Bubs has said this in the thread:

    Link again just for the sake of it:

    This to me does not convey that I offended Bubs.

    To me, this conveys that they felt the discussion was off topic and not generally wholesome, so they nuked everything and banned me from the community for that.

    Off topic?

    Again, the latter comments, sure. But not the first few, they very directly were commentary on the comic

    Not generally wholesome?

    I mean… again, the latter argument comments, sure, but you can just remove those comments, send a dm and say hey whoah this this is getting out of hand, and I’d be fine with that.

    I literally went out of my way to attempt to clarify that my original flat and passionless reading of the comic can be interpreted in a postivie, affirming, wholesome way. Even made a joke and threw in a meme gif.

    But nope, I’m just banned, the almost the whole comment chain is nuked.

    I didn’t realize these were first offense/perma ban level offenses, and I still feel the mod could.have handled this better.

    You seem to have a very intense communication style - you say a lot, and you expect people to be as precise as you are. That’s always going to throw some people.

    Yep! I’m autistic, and quite verbose in text.

    In person I realize the rules for in person, verbal speech are different and usually go for shorter sentences, though if you do ask me, I will ramble haha.

    A lot of people find that intimidating in certain situations. (Wall of text expanding on this put into spoiler tags for metaironic reasons)

    I get it, I understand that, but I can’t change it about myself. Tried for decades.

    In some cases I’ll look back on something I’ve typed and realized… yeah, I could have been more succinct and still conveyed the same meaning adequately.

    But in many cases… nope, I have complex thoughts involving complex concepts which I could only state more succinctly if I assume whoever I am talking to has much of the background knowledge that I do, and I’ve found that this is almost always a bad assumption to make.

    Indeed the nature of one of the arguments i got into in that thread was actually prompted by me making a short and succinct comment, which was replied to with ‘give me the evidence’… to which I replied … with a giant wall of all the evidence.

    Then that person said ‘none of this is from real doctors or actually peer reviewed’ when in fact literally every quote and link I gave was from either relevant professionals, huge, famous, large scale medical associations (WHO, CDC, etc) and/or directly referenced peer reviewed papers.

    … sigh, lol.

    I’m also very used to people attributing emotions to me that I do not actually have.

    You did it when you suggested I was mad upon reading your earlier reply, and typing up my lengthy reply to that, to try to fully explain what was going on situationally, as well as in my head, so that someone could actually understand where I was coming from.

    But, apparently … most? Some? people interperet a lengthy reply as necessarily being driven by, or indicating a certain kind of intense emotion behind the typist.

    So, with many people, I am often in a damned if I do, damned if I don’t situation.

    If I had simply replied to you:

    “I’m not mad, I wasn’t responding to a personal story, I did not intend to mock anyone.”

    … My guess is you would have interpreted that as overlt succinct, curt to the point of being laughably, stereotyically, exactly what someone who is really mad would say.

    But maybe you wouldn’t. I can’t know for sure.

    … Maybe I should use spoiler tags more often so as not to trigger this in people as much…

    Either way, I do appreciate your genuine thoughts on all this.