Swear by it
I highly recommend going real local if you are in a place that has local roasters. Roasters that put the roast date on the bag not an expiry date or best before.
That’s why I love coast to coast coffee
If you’re in the west, Kicking Horse and Salt Spring Island are both amazing, also Oso Negro.
Contrary point: kicking horse is not very good. (Edit: in my opinion ofc!)
But Salt Spring is dope
Adter searching for coffee I found
Kicking Horse is, I believe, 80% owned by Lavazza. Ethical Bean Company is owned by Heinz.
Kicking Horse is indeed mostly owned by Lavazza, but they are Italian, not American. So that’s OK with me.
Especially in Atlantic Canada, I strongly recommend https://www.downeastcoffee.ca. I’ve been buying from them for several years now. I’m very happy.