Ladies and gentlemen! It’s true. Mozilla has finally done it.
Fortunately I have been dailying @zen_browser for the past 2 months and I recommend you do the same if you don’t want to migrate to ChromeTech. Otherwise use @[email protected].
The fox is dead. Long live the fox.
#mozilla #browser #privacy #technology
@[email protected]
The reason why I still use Vanilla Firefox is due to security concerns. Yes, Zen is cool but new features are bound to introduce their own issues and as a relatively new project, it’s yet to stand the test of time. Also, being listed in PrivacyGuides is one of my requirements.
With that waffle out of the way, I’m willing to give it a spin again as funnily enough, before moving to Firefox, I was a very happy Vivaldi user for years but switched due to MV3.