No I understood. But under the circumstances I thought it was fucking stupid and decided to signal to you that I don’t respect you as a person because your shielding of Elon Musk for any reason is a garbage take.
I’m not shielding Elon Musk in any way you dolt. Rub those two functional brain cells you have left and think critically about my first message again.
I’m saying that by stooping to the level of the nutjobs on the right by Photoshoping or using AI to make fake images of someone we hate we are making ourselves look bad unnecessarily. Elon is already a hideous shitbag all on his own. We don’t need to do any boosting of his shittiness with fakery.
But I’m sure you have no issue with a political cartoonist drawing an unflattering image of Trump or Musk that hyperbolizes their less flattering aspects.
I don’t think I need to explain the difference between a clearly satirical drawn image vs a convincing looking photo that has been altered disingenuously.
That would make sense and I see what you’re saying, but that has historically not worked ever. This exact argument has been happening with liberals and leftists for longer than I’ve been born, and history has proved this ideology to only help fascism. Understand where I’m coming from so we can meet half way here man.
No I understood. But under the circumstances I thought it was fucking stupid and decided to signal to you that I don’t respect you as a person because your shielding of Elon Musk for any reason is a garbage take.
I’m not shielding Elon Musk in any way you dolt. Rub those two functional brain cells you have left and think critically about my first message again.
I’m saying that by stooping to the level of the nutjobs on the right by Photoshoping or using AI to make fake images of someone we hate we are making ourselves look bad unnecessarily. Elon is already a hideous shitbag all on his own. We don’t need to do any boosting of his shittiness with fakery.
But I’m sure you have no issue with a political cartoonist drawing an unflattering image of Trump or Musk that hyperbolizes their less flattering aspects.
Art satirizing power is as old as time.
I don’t think I need to explain the difference between a clearly satirical drawn image vs a convincing looking photo that has been altered disingenuously.
That would make sense and I see what you’re saying, but that has historically not worked ever. This exact argument has been happening with liberals and leftists for longer than I’ve been born, and history has proved this ideology to only help fascism. Understand where I’m coming from so we can meet half way here man.