Pro tip to teach people to fish instead of giving them a fish:
Whenever you’re looking for a new software tool to do something, especially something “sketchy” like this, add something like “GPL” or “open source” to the end of your search string. It might not be quite enough to raise the official site of the best tool all the way to the first search result, but it cuts way, way down on the scam sites.
Or perhaps even better yet, go straight to checking
Or add “reddit” and check what people recommend Though you would have to use Google or perhaps Startpage
Yes, but eww.
How dare you.
I was surprised at how well it works but anything command line is not for normies
Anyone who’s done “/gamemode creative” is smart enough to figure out “yt-dlp <url>”. Seriously people need to stop acting like typing the most basic commands that you can find tutorials about is some kinda level 9 magic
I think you’ve defined the problem rather well there…
It’s not that Normies couldn’t use it, it’s that Normies won’t use it.
Thats why I run it in docker with a web ui (On my server behind a reverse proxy, so I could get HTTPS working)
Shut up, im not a nerd
If you are on an android phone you should check the F-Droid pages for Seal. No commandline, a nice GUI, works great.
+1 for Seal, Newpipe and Tubular both work fine too
There’s GUIs for it though. Obviously not for everyone, but I made my own.
That it can download virtually from any site is pretty useful, assuming you know what to give it.
Do you type that in the windows finder bar?
Its a package, so it gets delivered in the mail
If you’re technically inclined, you can selfhost metube for your friends/family
Is that just a yt-dlp front end? Was hoping it would also do the streaming which is what I currently have been thinking of setting up. Probably yt-dlp to download all latest videos and then stream that over UPNP so any device with VLC can watch over the LAN.
That’s what I do! Just save everything to my media server, better that way.
This is a really nice front end, thanks.for the recommendation.
Jdownloader 2 is the most straightforward.
It’s an unholy Java monster
Parabolic is super easy to use and allows you to download either a single video or entire playlist/channel. Also if you download playlists, it makes separate folders for them and embeds all the metadata you may need.
Open-source (GPL-licensed), available for Windows and Linux.
I haven’t had to do this in awhile so I can’t recommend the best downloader for this job… But I will say that this is the sort of thing where you absolutely need to have a good adblocker
yt-dlp. Works right from the command line, no sketchy sites, on linux you can probably install it from your package manager
Actually one of the steps is always offering downlaoder EXE to get the fucking video…
VLC still works right?
No bullshit. No log in. Works on multiple sites. Free.
This might not be bullshit, but after hitting 3 separate download buttons and not starting a download, I can say without a doubt that this link is an offender.
I just tried it on 3 separate browsers and it worked fine.
I can say without a doubt this app works great. I have been using it for almost 10 years.