This is one of the things that’s in the running for my genie wishes. An earth in which multiple species of sapient hominid survive to the modern day and live peacefully and without xenophobic hatred with humans, with roughly equal populations between the species.
The wording needs to be fleshed out to avoid the whole genies actually want to fuck you over angle, but that’s the jist of it. It’s not at the top of my genie wish list, but it’s in the running
This is one of the things that’s in the running for my genie wishes. An earth in which multiple species of sapient hominid survive to the modern day and live peacefully and without xenophobic hatred with humans, with roughly equal populations between the species.
The wording needs to be fleshed out to avoid the whole genies actually want to fuck you over angle, but that’s the jist of it. It’s not at the top of my genie wish list, but it’s in the running