Very interesting use of colours. In cartography I’ve learned that using red is a bit dangerous if you are not communicating something dangerous / scary because our brains automatically interpret it as such (in many cultures, but not all I think. Some cultures don’t associate red as “bad”) .
At least a few SE Asian countries view red positively. It comes up every now and again with European football clubs where the blue (or whatever) team’s rival wears red and ownership of the blue team will add red to the kit in a silly attempt to appeal to Asian fans. It just pisses off the local fans who have grown up hating red.
Very interesting use of colours. In cartography I’ve learned that using red is a bit dangerous if you are not communicating something dangerous / scary because our brains automatically interpret it as such (in many cultures, but not all I think. Some cultures don’t associate red as “bad”) .
At least a few SE Asian countries view red positively. It comes up every now and again with European football clubs where the blue (or whatever) team’s rival wears red and ownership of the blue team will add red to the kit in a silly attempt to appeal to Asian fans. It just pisses off the local fans who have grown up hating red.
I don’t follow football so this is really interesting, thanks for the trivia!