There is an irony of this having been published by the US. But it is a decent read if you’re expecting longer term resistance will be necessary.

    9 days ago

    Probably could use plenty of updates for the digital age but it’s a good start, and has the right idea. Definitely contains some useful ideas for surviving and resisting an occupation. But all of us on places like this should also be brushing up on our abilities to establish and validate end-to-end encryption, build secure networks, learn to practice proper information hygiene, and start organizing our digital life into distinct and separate siloes wherever we can. The US has an extremely powerful security apparatus that has almost certainly spread its tendrils deep into all our telecommunication systems (and we thought China was the threat!) Under an occupation the ability to effectively and safely organize a resistance and conduct public information operations will require a number of very particular skills. We’ll be the ones who are tech-savvy enough to provide some of those skills, and that will be extremely valuable.

    It’s not paranoid when they really are out to get you.