So far, 116 of the 146 cases are under the age of 18, with 46 being 4 or under. Only five of the 146 were vaccinated with at least one dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
5/146 is ~3.4%
You can get measles when vaccinated, particularly if you only had one dose (the standard for people vaccinated before 1989) but it’s much much less likely.
22% of reported measles cases are vaccinated. Edit: Source
This is contrary to what the article says:
5/146 is ~3.4%
You can get measles when vaccinated, particularly if you only had one dose (the standard for people vaccinated before 1989) but it’s much much less likely.
Source for that claim please?
This Feb 26 article cited a 78% unvaccinated rate but looks like I can’t math and there’s been newer data since.