00:00:00 - tl;dr solution use librewolf
00:00:52 - my tl;dr thoughts
00:01:08 - what mozilla did
00:02:28 - mozilla crashed…
00:03:03 - Louis gets trolled by a monster
00:03:56 - firefox’ removes statement on not selling personal data.
00:04:40 - terms were changed without explicitly alerting users
00:05:08 - mozilla did this at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME
00:07:05 - the worst communication policy
00:07:14 - California consumer protection act
00:08:03 - The suspicious part mozilla put in
00:08:26 - What is “selling data” ?
00:08:54 - Existing business practices exist in grey areas to CCPA
00:12:46 - Just use librewolf to avoid all this…
00:16:27 - Privacy policy is still fairly strong
00:17:20 - How money for nothing destroys people & companies
I have a feeling that the “ancient convoluted code base” that exists for backwards compatibility isn’t convoluted or hard to maintain at all; rather the new features are, because they include everything and the kitchen sink, as necessary for the big new websites.
Plus it’s only backwards compatibility due to the feature creep of modern days. Otherwise it would be simply the support of current features.