You must love it more than you hate it if you keep doing it. I used to be religious as a young person and porn was an issue, once I left and it was no longer forbidden it stopped being an issue.
Addiction to anything is tough, like that one balloon dude on my strange addiction, but make no mistake porn didn’t take away years of your life, you spent years of your life watching porn and beating yourself up about it. The fact that you’re posting about it now means it’s probably constantly on your mind. Let it go, use it as a tool, live your life and move on. You’re obsessing over your perceived failures which makes you think about it more.
You must love it more than you hate it if you keep doing it. I used to be religious as a young person and porn was an issue, once I left and it was no longer forbidden it stopped being an issue.
Addiction to anything is tough, like that one balloon dude on my strange addiction, but make no mistake porn didn’t take away years of your life, you spent years of your life watching porn and beating yourself up about it. The fact that you’re posting about it now means it’s probably constantly on your mind. Let it go, use it as a tool, live your life and move on. You’re obsessing over your perceived failures which makes you think about it more.