Whether the democrats did or not- the conservatives DEFINITELY gave you a reason to. There was NO excuse to not vote AGAISN’T what they promised would come. So, those that chose not to- have no excuse that carries anywhere near enough value it would take to buy them out of taking responsibility for where we are now.
The democrats may have run a bad campaign, there’s little to argue there. But a bad campaign is NO excuse to allow conservatives to take over our democracy. They told us exactly what they would do. We all knew they would do this.
You didn’t have to vote FOR democrats, but you absolutely should have voted AGAINST the end of democracy.
That’s just bullshit, all repeating this does is enable people to not vote by blaming the democrats. Inactions have consequences and anyone who stayed home instead of vote is as much to blame for the current situation.
The Democrats need to give voters a reason to go out and vote. The choose the lesser evil reason and keep the status quo isn’t enough.
Whether the democrats did or not- the conservatives DEFINITELY gave you a reason to. There was NO excuse to not vote AGAISN’T what they promised would come. So, those that chose not to- have no excuse that carries anywhere near enough value it would take to buy them out of taking responsibility for where we are now.
The democrats may have run a bad campaign, there’s little to argue there. But a bad campaign is NO excuse to allow conservatives to take over our democracy. They told us exactly what they would do. We all knew they would do this.
You didn’t have to vote FOR democrats, but you absolutely should have voted AGAINST the end of democracy.
That’s just bullshit, all repeating this does is enable people to not vote by blaming the democrats. Inactions have consequences and anyone who stayed home instead of vote is as much to blame for the current situation.