I am always interested in what people are using their notebooks for. I often find that many people are using multiples for different topics.
I have a Traveller’s Notebook Standard size that has three inserts. I use two of the inserts as bullet journals for work / daily life logging and my future log. The third insert is a standard long-form journal that I write in mostly daily.
I have a Passport size Traveller’s Notebook with two inserts that I use as a wallet. The inserts are my gaming log where I take notes while playing whatever video games I am currently playing, and the other is just for catch-all like meeting notes, a bullet journal log for on the go, lists, thoughts etc.
I have a Hobonichi that I put just a daily log in of what I did on a particular day, and I will collect business cards or stickers from places I go an tape them in on the appropriate days. I am not a scrapbooker, but I find that this creates a fun little look through my life as I occasionally go back through old journals.
I supplement all of this with digital notes and a ToDoist account. I am a producer in the video games industry and have a lot of moving parts, so going all paper just won’t work for me. But I love having this hybrid setup as I tend to remember a lot more when I write things down.
How are you using your notebooks?
I got into notebooks by way of a fountain pen addiction. I’m currently using a Rhodia Guidebook that I use as a long-form Bujo, an Artist’s Loft dot grid as a commonplace book, and a Midori 5 Year Diary as a record of the descent of America into chaos as despotism.