Why are you wrapping random words with quotation marks? It reads like it’s being spoken aloud by Dr. Evil. Anyway, gonna go with the wording of the law itself over a wiki article about it:
This one’s specific to coins. Anecdotally I was always told they were legal because pennies are explicitly an exception to that law. So, it’s either that or it’s in j-walking territory where it may be illegal, but no one gives a shit enough to enforce it.
…also coins aren’t really relevant here anyway - the conversation is about defacing paper bills if they decide to soil them with Trump’s traitorous image.
Except by the wording of the specific law in question. o_O
I’m not seeing the disconnect here. Nor the need for the disconnect in the first place: the first post I made here was to encourage people to deface prints of Trump. If you disagree that there’s a legal barrier to doing so, then cool - all the more reason to deface our traitor in chief.
YES. My suggestion was to mark Trump as the Nazi he is - currency with Nazi iconography on it is not fit to be reissued. It’s a petty protest, but the point is to make the proposed new bills inconvenient and convey a clear message until they’re inevitably pulled.
Why are you wrapping random words with quotation marks? It reads like it’s being spoken aloud by Dr. Evil. Anyway, gonna go with the wording of the law itself over a wiki article about it:
18 U.S. Code § 331 - Mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins
This one’s specific to coins. Anecdotally I was always told they were legal because pennies are explicitly an exception to that law. So, it’s either that or it’s in j-walking territory where it may be illegal, but no one gives a shit enough to enforce it.
…also coins aren’t really relevant here anyway - the conversation is about defacing paper bills if they decide to soil them with Trump’s traitorous image.
Which is not at all illegal by any standard you’ve provided yet.
Except by the wording of the specific law in question. o_O
I’m not seeing the disconnect here. Nor the need for the disconnect in the first place: the first post I made here was to encourage people to deface prints of Trump. If you disagree that there’s a legal barrier to doing so, then cool - all the more reason to deface our traitor in chief.
Are you intending to render the bill unfit to be reissued?
YES. My suggestion was to mark Trump as the Nazi he is - currency with Nazi iconography on it is not fit to be reissued. It’s a petty protest, but the point is to make the proposed new bills inconvenient and convey a clear message until they’re inevitably pulled.