“Have you tried… Exercising?” is quite a tone-deaf response to these matters at this point.
Of course it’s correlated with healthy living. Of course it helps maintain a healthy lifestyle with wonderful benefits for your mental health and anxiety. Sure!
However, when you’re not there (yet), and you have no idea how to get “there”, having someone go “Well actually, it’s not that hard, lol, just start exercising” isn’t helpful. To build such a healthy pattern requires more care and nuance than just the knowledge that exercising helps, or the willpower to drag yourself through the first few days of whatever initial exercise routine, hoping it magically kickstarts this wonderful, new life.
I didn’t use that tone, those words, or even make a suggestion to anyone. But sounds like you’ve got a response loaded and ready to go in case someone does.
“Have you tried… Exercising?” is quite a tone-deaf response to these matters at this point.
Of course it’s correlated with healthy living. Of course it helps maintain a healthy lifestyle with wonderful benefits for your mental health and anxiety. Sure!
However, when you’re not there (yet), and you have no idea how to get “there”, having someone go “Well actually, it’s not that hard, lol, just start exercising” isn’t helpful. To build such a healthy pattern requires more care and nuance than just the knowledge that exercising helps, or the willpower to drag yourself through the first few days of whatever initial exercise routine, hoping it magically kickstarts this wonderful, new life.
I didn’t use that tone, those words, or even make a suggestion to anyone. But sounds like you’ve got a response loaded and ready to go in case someone does.