I know theres AES and PGP, but all electronics stuff still has backdoors. You can’t backdoor a piece of paper and a writing utensil.
I know theres AES and PGP, but all electronics stuff still has backdoors. You can’t backdoor a piece of paper and a writing utensil.
Make your own language
Theoretically, if you made a new language based on English symbols, is it still just a cipher?
The Navajo did pretty well in WWII
Time to put my Chinese language skills to work?
English + Mandarin (Pinyin) + Cantonese (Jyutping) = ???
Canto-Mandar-lish? 🤔
Actually it might work. You’d need to understand 3 languages to decipher it.
Does the NSA/FSB/CCP have tri-lingual speakers? 🤔
Maybe I should learn some Navajo to add more fun to the mix? 😁
Learn Navajo and ancient Babylonian. Write everything in a custom pidgin of Mandarin, Navajo, and ancient Babylonian.