that kinda needs a stable climate, and not a fireball with record breaking extremes every fucking yearseason.
so, is he gunna go all-in on ev, clean up industrial pollution and greenhouse gasses, shut down all the coal-burners, quit drilling for even more fucking oil?
is he gunna stay in the paris agreement, stay in the un, stay in nato (allies cooperate with each other on more than just defense)?
is he gunna let schools teach to all students, let all students learn, let libraries shelf and circulate all books, restore all the now deleted ‘climate change’ and other data and research, restore noaa, usda, fda and other gutted agencies?
maybe he’ll let farmers repair their own equipment, harvest seeds from their own crops, or anything helpful… at all?
Buddhism talks of three poisons of the mind which inevitably create suffering: greed, hatred and ignorance. Turns out, a government based entirely on these doesn’t make things better.
that kinda needs a stable climate, and not a fireball with record breaking extremes every fucking, is he gunna go all-in on ev, clean up industrial pollution and greenhouse gasses, shut down all the coal-burners, quit drilling for even more fucking oil?
is he gunna stay in the paris agreement, stay in the un, stay in nato (allies cooperate with each other on more than just defense)?
is he gunna let schools teach to all students, let all students learn, let libraries shelf and circulate all books, restore all the now deleted ‘climate change’ and other data and research, restore noaa, usda, fda and other gutted agencies?
maybe he’ll let farmers repair their own equipment, harvest seeds from their own crops, or anything helpful… at all?
ya, didn’t think so.
His administration won’t let NOAA provide accurate forecasts so that the farmers can plan ahead.
He’ll also deplete irrigation water in the off season so there’s less of it available when farms need it.
Not to mention, a significant chunk of the farm workers are/will be rounded up.
Buddhism talks of three poisons of the mind which inevitably create suffering: greed, hatred and ignorance. Turns out, a government based entirely on these doesn’t make things better.