Our electric bill has been running pretty high even though it hasn’t been that cold and we’ve been supplementing with wood heat. Decided to track down the culprit and hooked up an energy usage monitor to one of our 5 sub panels. Gonna check the other 4 over the course of the next few days.
is the power company even checking the meter?
My parents go solar panels and it didn’t affect their bill at all. Turns out the power company was just charging an average based on previous years, I said find a better provider or start mining bitcoin.
“find a better provider”
Most utilities are regional monopolies, there is no other option.
The power company didn’t choose that. Your parents did, and then forgot to call and switch to a solar-friendly or monthly-usage based rate structure.
I lived in a semi-rural area where they didn’t check the gas meter for months at a time and just kinda guessed each month.
I had that too, after a few months they’d get around to it and it’s get a corrected bill. Really confused me the first time i noticed it.
Yes. Ours uses AMI meters that get read electronically.