From experience: geese will also band together to solve extent and fuck up those in their territory. While one is hissing at your face, another is coming from behind to take a bite out of your ass.
Oh, and those bastards have teeth… including on their f’ing tongues!
Also that moron represented by an eagle? I think a buzzard is more accurate, if we must stick to birds. Smells like death and eats whatever can’t fight back, right down to the bones.
(Cool animal, but not a flattering image to be compared with.)
Bald Eagles are particularly lazy and will usually just try to steal from more capable hunters or just eat carrion. 😂
Geese also don’t take shit from anyone, so it was a long shot for the eagle.
From experience: geese will also band together to solve extent and fuck up those in their territory. While one is hissing at your face, another is coming from behind to take a bite out of your ass.
Oh, and those bastards have teeth… including on their f’ing tongues!
In all fairness, I’ve seen a video of a bald eagle attacking a grizzly and the grizzly went full “wtf and run”
Then again, geese are BAMF assholes that I would not want to fight with
What, did he lose a bet or something? WTF for real! LOL
Honestly it really is a pretty accurate representation. We Americans are lazy, and now Trumpler is just trying to steal other countries.
Also that moron represented by an eagle? I think a buzzard is more accurate, if we must stick to birds. Smells like death and eats whatever can’t fight back, right down to the bones.
(Cool animal, but not a flattering image to be compared with.)
Interestingly bald eagles are closer to buzzards then you would think. And even closer to a vulture.