What is Alexander Panetta’s problem with Canada? Is he an American or a fifth columnist of snark. CBC might want to consider someone capable of writing analysis without trashing Canada.

  • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
    13 hours ago

    Canada’s retaliation, at least the 30 to 150 billion announced, is small potatoes on the scale of the massive US economy, that’s not snark but a fact.

    But I think the writer is giving sufficient credence to the notion that despite that difference in size, we have an outsized ability to turn the screws (like Doug Ford is) when already the US administration is screwing itself 6 ways to Sunday.

    Had we as Canadians acted with indifference to these threats, the sense of urgency of the true effects of MAGA and Trumpism might not be conveyed clearly enough, since American media is distracted by 1000 scandals going at once, and the White House and Republicans’ Congress are now like a Ministry of Alternative Facts.