What makes this worse is the obvious disrespect from Cowbee of my request to disengage. I made it very clear I didn’t want to argue. These communities have absolutely no standards of behaviour for members of the in-group. Which is exactly why I don’t engage with them in these communities.
Well, also the fact that I hate being constantly called a liberal for not repeating Capitalist Putin’s latest botfarm talking point. Talking to these people is an exercise in keeping my calm while I am constantly insulted. No thank you.
If I’m reading this correctly, it looks like you were fishing for a ban that could be seen as a double-standard so you could make a post here.
Moreover, you never labeled yourself an Anarchist, and I haven’t been hostile towards Anarchists, I myself used to be one and am sympathetic despite now being a Marxist-Leninist. Additionally, I never said you weren’t a Leftist, and your label of me as a Trump supporter happened entirely unprovoked.
Your reputation provoked it. People know who you are.
Isn’t that more your conclusion about me than anything else? You admitted elsewhere to trying to get banned so you can make this post and call out “hypocrisy.” Seems more people are siding with me on this one.
If you want to have an actual conversation, I’d be thrilled, but it looks like that wasn’t your aim in the first place.