I continued working my way through Red Dead Redemption 2 today. I did the Bank Heist in Valentine and did a stage coach robbery camp activity too.

The game looks really gorgeous now that i don’t have to worry about FSR muddling everything up.

One example is the mentioned robbery mission. The whole quest had raindrop falling from the roof that i just couldn’t see before. Not to mention the way the bricks and stuff were wet from it.

I’ve done this robbery mission so many times now (in all honesty it’s probably about 4 though) that it feels like second nature. Usually i just blow the safes open. But this time i decided to pick them all. I made off with $3000.

While on my way back from this mission, i had to stop to do the Second part of the Downes quest. I stopped at their farm, and before talking to them i went and played with their animals. They had this adorable dog chilling in the back by the goats.

  • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
    13 hours ago

    I’ve heard some really compelling ideas to continue Red Dead Redemption either spiritually (as in with a different or slight altered cast) or literally (take Jack at the end of 1 and do something with it or tell a prequel story to RDR2). I’m really hoping Rockstar does make a 3, the franchise is too amazing to let it just die like that.

    • ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      13 hours ago

      I remember so many people being furious at rockstar for not releasing dlc on the scope of gta4 but honestly with this game I don’t know what form that narrative would take that could be satisfying.

      The main narrative is concluded decisively obviously. It’s a prequel so continuing with John would just be rdr1. Another undead nightmare is eh, zombies are so played out. I guess you could fill in what went on with Dutch or some of the others that show up in rdr1 but frankly I don’t really want to play as them. I suppose you could intro some new character that’s part of their new gang. I dunno. I get why they didn’t prioritize it (well that and more so that dlc costs a ton to develop for a pitiful return relative to something like gta online, which is kind of sad)

      • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
        13 hours ago

        Yeah. Adding onto the Undead Nightmare one, i just don’t feel like it would fit the vibe of Red Dead 2. As much as i’d love another one, Red Dead 2 feels like it takes itself a bit more seriously than the first one. i’m not really sure what it is, but i’m just not sure an Undead Nightmare would fit at all.

        • ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          12 hours ago

          I think it was the illness. Even without the illness based on the first games ending and the fact that Arthur was not mentioned or existed within it I was pretty sure I knew how rdr2 was going to end before I started but the illness gave it such a somber tone. Arthur recognized his mortality and really started to reflect.

          It’s been ages since I played rdr1 but as far as I remember John was more “I’m doing this to be done, for my family!”. The tone was much lighter as a result even though there were moments that were heavy. And the characters weren’t as developed so I didn’t care as much. Dutch was just a fucking monster in that game, bill and Javier were just props. But rdr2 fleshed them all out so much