I haven’t played many final fantasy games since about 8. My favorite is ff5 with the job system, are there any newer games that are similar to that?
If you’re interested in other series, you might like Octopath Traveler. Each character has their own job, but as the game progresses you’ll be able to switch each character’s second job. So you can make the thief a thief/merchant or thief/cleric or whatever, and swap out that second job anytime you want, but they’ll always have the thief abilities.
Seconded on Octopath Traveler. It’s FF5 job system on crack and I love FF5, but DAMN it OT and OT2 absolutely nail it.
Probably depends on what parts of FFV you enjoyed really. If the ability to customise every character in your party was the selling point, Final Fantasy X-2 might be worth trying. It also has a job system and characters can change jobs during battle as well.
Final Fantasy XII also had a pretty flexible system where you could assign classes to each character, and then customise the skills they each had. The definitive release of the game which is what you’d be getting if you buy it for a modern console has the ability to change all this out and redo it easily if you don’t like the path you’ve taken.
I think Final Fantasy X-2 had the dresspheres which act as jobs.
Bravely Default II is exactly that. I finished a 100% playthrough last weekend and I highly recommend it. It totally scratched that classic FF job system itch. I’ve played first game as well, and while the it’s fine on the surface, there’s an infamously poorly constructed chapter towards the end that totally soured the whole experience for me.
Wow I was expecting something similar, but to have almost a carbon copy of the classes is crazy. Thanks for the suggestion.
Bravely default maybe
FF 3 has the OG job system. I would recommend either the PS1 remake or the GBA one since it originally appeared on the NES. FF Tactics has a pretty robust job system, Tactics Advanced as well (not my most favorite as the Judge system isn’t to my liking). FF 12 has a job system as well but a bit shallow IMO compared to the previous ones mentioned.