• Gadg8eer
    1 year ago

    Trump made phone calls to Republicans in Florida to “find more votes” in 2016. That’s legally considered voter fraud. AFAIK, committing voter fraud, regardless of outcomes, is supposed to disqualify you from the running.

    I get that I’m not citationing any of this, so sue me. Wikipedia this ain’t. I’m just pointing out that to my knowledge, Trump committed voting fraud (in addition to the Cambridge Analytica targeted campaign ads stuff) in both elections. Even if that doesn’t disqualify him or have a noticeable effect on the election results, no one would have voted for him if they knew he would try to outright cheat, and even if they couldn’t have known until he did, he wouldn’t have been able to usurp the throne (so to speak) if the American public knew about the fraud during the counting process.

    The worst part about it is that he had everyone (including myself) believing Hilary had embezzled money while she was Treasurer only for the investigation into it to turn up nothing for the entirety of Trump’s stolen time and during the Biden Administration.

    Don’t quote me on any of that, I’ll double-check all that and keep my mouth shut if it turns out I’m wrong. Just, as far as I’m aware, realize that I have heard a lot about the above incidents, so either multiple people on different websites and IRL ranging from close friends to complete strangers were saying things fuelled by rumors that were not contradicting each other’s false reporting, or the American system isn’t just broken but compromised.

    • naught
      1 year ago

      I just like to verify sources. I am not caught up on the latest from the orange fuck so you may very well be right. I wasnt aware he tried to “find” votes even before georgia