Basically, there is a gap between my front door and the floor (live in an apartment).
All sorts of revolting smells come in from the hallway all the way into my entire apartment.
I tried looking on temu but all the door sweeps have horrible reviews, except the ones that work for inner doors (goes in front of and behind the door and is like some kind of foam).
Those wouldn’t work cause my front door is too thick
Please help for some kind of recommendation 🫠
Would a door snake work? It’s just a long cloth tube filled with something. Similar to the ones you found except it only goes on one side. The down side is that it’s not attached to the door in anyway. Everytime you move the door you’d have push it up against the gap again. This also means if everyone leaves the apartment youd have to leave the gap open.
You could always diy it. If you’re not concerned on how it looks though I’ve had decent results with a rolled up towel or two pairs of jeans. It works better if you only shove one leg at a time into the gap. If you’re using two pants put them where the foot holes are facing each other. So the hip part is on either end of the makeshift tube.