If you clicked on this to find someone to lie to you about how actually this is perfectly fine because they weren’t arresting the toddler. She was just imitating what she thought was normal and that’s all above Board. Here you go:
Basically all incarcerated women are mothers. https://www.aclu.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/womenprisonreport_final.pdf
An open secret. Like Covid deaths. Propped up by sabotaging efforts to collect data. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/14/us/children-of-incarcerated-women-study-reaj/index.html
Actually. These are paramilitary blackshirts using handguns, to handle a toddler.
can’t speak to how you’ve got to this level of brain damage, but I will promise to finish damaging your brain the rest of the way, if the opportunity presents itself.
Ooh, what a tough guy! You’re super scary, buddy.