Good afternoon /c/cars.
I’m looking to get my first car and I want to get some opinions. I’m thinking of buying a 2008 Chevy Aveo with safety certificate and the price is $2500 CAD. I’m interested to see what you all have to say about this particular vehicle, if you have any personal experience with it or any gripes.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
That’s an awfully old badge engineered Daewoo. Unless there are compelling reasons why you’re looking at that particular car, you’d probably do better getting something Japanese or Korean. If you want domestic, go for a mid size sedan or a depreciated semi luxury sedan like a Buick.
Unless you really need a car, save up and get something newer.
My main reason is that it was the cheapest thing I can find that comes with a safety. Most hondas and Toyotas of the same year are double the price without a safety.
What is a “safety”?
There’s a reason the Hondas and toyotas are double.
Safety is having to pass a multipoint check in this province to be able to be registered.
Look at the Korean makes. As good or better than the Japanese, but they don’t have the premium the Japanese ones do.
And just because it has a safety doesn’t mean it doesn’t need work. It just means it’s road worthy at the moment. Especially at that price.