I posted a few months ago a picture of my cat with one eye, she’s now had the surgery to remove it. She’s a bit grumpy she can’t be outside, but is enjoying the sun on my sofa today
Will the doggo look out for her? Like guide her when she needs it?
I’ll be honest my dog isn’t too bright! She did keep an eye on her directly after surgery, but usually she’s in the way rather than helpful
Rofl, well, let’s hope some intuition kicks in later on :).
Keep us updated on how she gets on! Would it be worth trying to train her on a harness/lead for supervised outdoor time?
That is my aim eventually, however she’s never really liked even wearing a collar so it’ll be something we work up to.
Fingers crossed. They roll around a lot and tell you the world is ending, but after a bit they do eventually adapt!