It’s really a statistics joke. If you assume both observations are independent, then yes, the most average name might be “Mohammad Wong.” But if there are other confounding factors, such as the mapping of names to ethnic groups, then the whole thing falls apart. Obviously Mohammad Wong is not the most common name on the planet.
The most common first name in the world is Mohammad. The most common surname name in the world is Wong.
Thus, logically, the most normal person on Earth must be named Mohammad Wong.
Me trying to work out the pun over here squinting my eyes and clocking my head. Got nothing.
It’s really a statistics joke. If you assume both observations are independent, then yes, the most average name might be “Mohammad Wong.” But if there are other confounding factors, such as the mapping of names to ethnic groups, then the whole thing falls apart. Obviously Mohammad Wong is not the most common name on the planet.