Blue Magic rolled up in a #CheechAndChong paper, using a Raw cone tip.
Just a Clipper lighter (love this brand!) and Toker Poker case. The various tool points make smoking loads easier, bowls, joints, and blunts!
My grinder is a Chromium Crusher. Going on 3 years old at this point, and still hasn't failed me.
#716Cannabis #Buffalo #BuffaloStoner #cannabis #weed #joints
It’s been a while since I’ve smoked flower, and likely longer thanks to the new administration stateside …. But cones were nice because other people can’t roll for shit lmao.
Good to see dudes still rolling the old fashioned way. Everybody be stuffing them cones nowadays, it’s no way to live.
It’s been a while since I’ve smoked flower, and likely longer thanks to the new administration stateside …. But cones were nice because other people can’t roll for shit lmao.