Apparently our national men’s team is ranked 48th, in between fellow basketball titans Senegal and Sweden
I guess we don’t really have a British equivalent that is a household name recognisable to non-fans in the way the Williams sisters are. We’ve got a few men who fit the bill, but that obviously doesn’t work for the question. If you need to name a woman that everyone immediately knows is really god damn good at tennis, one of the Williamses is probably gonna be the go-to regardless of where you ask
Apparently our national men’s team is ranked 48th, in between fellow basketball titans Senegal and Sweden
I guess we don’t really have a British equivalent that is a household name recognisable to non-fans in the way the Williams sisters are. We’ve got a few men who fit the bill, but that obviously doesn’t work for the question. If you need to name a woman that everyone immediately knows is really god damn good at tennis, one of the Williamses is probably gonna be the go-to regardless of where you ask