One thing I’m really happy with and have been for a long time is not really a part of my ‘routine’, but something I’ll do maybe once a month max. Always after sauna, when the skin is soft and pores are open. (Yes, am Finnish :D)
I keep a mix of ground coffee, coconut oil and cocoa butter that I prepare by slightly heating the coconut & cocoa greases and add in the coffee. In room temperature it keeps solid, but warmth of the skin melts the fats that have all the magic ingredients of freshly ground coffee infused. I apply that on the face and scrub somewhat forcefully for a good ten minutes, then wipe off with toilet tissue. The ground coffee acts like the plastic bits in any exfoliating product, but it’s natural and obviously biodegradable. The toilet tissue is also a part of the magic, since the stuff tends to contain quite a bit of what is practically clay, so it counts as a fine finishing sandpaper to the rough effect of the coffee. (Trust me, this is my field of engineering :)
Started doing this after I was turned on to exfoliating scrubs, which were awesome, but I didn’t like the microplastics aspect. Figured out coffee as an alternative and after several years of self-experimenting with nothing but positive results to show, I dare recommend it publicly. Indeed, this is the first time I’ve shared this :)