Protecting their ridiculous regressive views of how the west was won exploited via cattle and oil. They all want to protect their landowners that control huge chunks of farm and grazing land, and a significant chunk of that land is used to feed cattle. Get rid of the need to feed and raise cattle and Big Donors might be upset.
Why are Republicans always wrong about literally everything? Oh, that’s right. Faith-based belief system instead of a reality-based belief system.
Protecting their ridiculous regressive views of how the west was
wonexploited via cattle and oil. They all want to protect their landowners that control huge chunks of farm and grazing land, and a significant chunk of that land is used to feed cattle. Get rid of the need to feed and raise cattle and Big Donors might be upset.Reality is a team sport, to some people.
That’s all they think you’re doing. That’s all they think there is.