Just got a new case for my v3 and now all it is doing is going through a power cycle loop showing the splash screen and nothing more. Pulled the battery and tried only USB power but same result.
Has anyone seen this issue? Running the current beta firmware and it was working fine for a few weeks so i doubt it’s a SW issue.
I’m 99% sure its due to the 3d print being carbon fiber infused. Just conductive enough that possibly a later on the PCB is touching and shorting. Works find out of the case, its currently been up for 30 mins just bare board and a battery. But as soon as its in the case with no buttons it starts acting up.
Going to stop at the store in the morning to find a spray on sealant to see if I put a thin layer on the inside of the case does the issue go away. Then we will know.
Sounds like it could be, mine is just pla+ lol. I might try that myself just for a little water resistance lol.