Searching yields the following:
Both communities are actively moderated, but has much more activity. I think consolidating towards would be the best option in this case.
Searching yields the following:
Both communities are actively moderated, but has much more activity. I think consolidating towards would be the best option in this case.
Yeah but this is not answering my question.
If we have multiple communities across the fediverse that can report, cross post, and federate isn’t that the better solution rather than silo’ing things to one Instance / set of mods?
See the choice overload link I sent above.
By your logic, what are the backup communities for [email protected] or [email protected] ?
When people use that word they usually have their own logic burnt into their brain. But, bide with me here please.
I don’t really see any “logic” whatsoever moving/ consolidating/closing an existing community (with inactive accounts as mods) outside of the Instance admins closing it from a community request. Those users might have a preference to use another Instance, for instance, because of hosting laws etc (I dunno).
Maybe they don’t like perhaps for its hosting company or whatever, maybe they just wanna use their own Instance but subscribe to that community?
Consolidation should really only happen in my own opinion if the community themselves + the Instance admins are asking for it and I can’t see that yet.
That’s fair!