SuSE was a blessing for me in the 1990s when you couldn’t just download huge amount of data over the Internet. But I could walk into my local computer store and buy a 8 CD package with two big handbooks for 70 Deutschmarks.
Long story short: Without SuSE I might not be a software developer today, so I’m thankful even though I prefer other distros today. 🦎
In 2005 when I wanted to try out linux for the first time, the only distro that allowed for switching between KDE and Gnome was OpenSUSE. I learned quite a bit. I also learned I wasn’t ready to switch over, there were many teething problems then, especially sound oriented ones. I kinda understood why people stuck with one or the other after that experience.
SuSE was a blessing for me in the 1990s when you couldn’t just download huge amount of data over the Internet. But I could walk into my local computer store and buy a 8 CD package with two big handbooks for 70 Deutschmarks.
Long story short: Without SuSE I might not be a software developer today, so I’m thankful even though I prefer other distros today. 🦎
In 2005 when I wanted to try out linux for the first time, the only distro that allowed for switching between KDE and Gnome was OpenSUSE. I learned quite a bit. I also learned I wasn’t ready to switch over, there were many teething problems then, especially sound oriented ones. I kinda understood why people stuck with one or the other after that experience.