The encrypted messaging app Signal has stopped responding to requests from Ukrainian law enforcement regarding Russian cyberthreats, a Ukrainian official claimed, warning that the shift is aiding Moscow’s intelligence efforts.
Give it time. Before long you’ll see articles about how we need to ban encryption to help Ukraine fight Russia & Democrats will support it cause that is how clueless many of them are.
While I personally think a removal of encryption tends be on the other side of this conflict, I have been called a nonce several times by otherwise leftist folks because of my support for strong encryption(ie the only people who want encryption have something to hide ergo you’re a nonce). This is all anecdote so YMMV.
Give it time. Before long you’ll see articles about how we need to ban encryption to help Ukraine fight Russia & Democrats will support it cause that is how clueless many of them are.
Dude fuck off.
Why? He’s right…
Not even close, but okay.
While I personally think a removal of encryption tends be on the other side of this conflict, I have been called a nonce several times by otherwise leftist folks because of my support for strong encryption(ie the only people who want encryption have something to hide ergo you’re a nonce). This is all anecdote so YMMV.