I’ve always had more than one pet at a time, and often more than one type of pet too. Whilst it is a great thing to have it can also create challenges.

One of the big challenges I have is managing food. When Miss Meow first joined the household she and Mr Woof would regularly swap meals and I spent ages trying to keep them apart. I moved Miss Meow’s food onto the cat tree so it is further away and Mr Woof can’t get to it and that has mostly fixed the problem. But Mr Woof is not a big eater and often leaves part of his meal behind, and if I’m not monitoring closely enough I’ll find Miss Meow finishing off his dry food. As a result she’s been getting a bit pudgy and the vet has recommended a diet, so I’m going to need to be a lot more careful about making sure I pick up Mr Woof’s leftovers straight away.